Friday, October 21, 2011

Of karebiners and flaming tins.

Today I worked out a system to lighten the load and free space up in rucksacks while still using the brilliant Trangia cooking system. Take a can, poke holes for air, and voilá.

An unfortunate insect was found in the Trangia lid. A minute of silence.

On another note, Ellie got me an early birthday present which is AWESOME! I had gone to the DMM factory tour earlier this year and got the awesome gift of a personalized phantom krab. Wheee! A couple of weeks ago someone decided to nick it :( Ellie then decided to try and replace it and emailed the nice people over at  DMM and they decided to send out a new one, with RANAZ printed along its side and everything! And it's blue! It's awesome! Best thoughtful birthday present ever.

Getting really psyched about leaving London now, keep thinking of Scotland, Spain, climbing, and getting to see my friends and family soon :D there's only a few odd bits of gear I want to catch hold of before we leave and zoom away from a life of commutes and buildings and bills and all that!

It's only one week to go now! Need to sort out all my "important" bank and tax and boring things to get out of the way and I'm sorted. Wheeeeee!

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