Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bouldering in Vic

Last night we replaced real rock with plastic and went to check out the bouldering wall in Vic. Eva dropped us off at the end of a road which disappeared into a field and told us to walk along a track for 20 metres until we see a light. Feeling very Masonic we blindly tripped along the mud until we saw a few beams of light coming from a half opened door. Shrugging shoulders we looked at each other and went in...Westway, The Arch eat your heart out. We were in a barn, which had half of it dedicated to trapezee prcatice and the rest was covered in bouldrering holds with bed mattresses as the crash mat. A ladder Hung horizontally from the ceiling for when you are bored of being a lizard and fancy playing at monkey. There were a few boulderers clustered around a stove with shisha pipes. The owner of the enterprise handed us Turkish sugary tea to warm us up and now energised began to show us the routes.  What an awesome place!! Not having dreadlocks or tattoes I felt a little left out...
Hopefully us foreigners put on a good show! I had a feeling we were the entertainment for the evening. The routes were awesome, a great roof me and Ranaz were all over like a rash, and Ranaz managed to impress the owner with some awesome moves on a route the locals were working on...bosh one up for the newbies. I was climbing well indoors for the first time in ages. Just make sure you've eyed up your landing spot and don't plummet between the gaps in the mattresses. After an hour we were pumped to hell, muscles burning and fingers ripped. Felt good! If you are ever in Vic its a place to definitely dig out.
Despite the scary looking locals they were really friendly and the routes were crazy! There was only one vertical wall...overhangs are the way forward.

1 comment:

  1. You were always a little monkey, Els! Looks like you're both having a great time. What will you be doing tomorrow (Christmas Day)? Will try to give you a quick call if that's ok. Love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
