Morocco! I've managed to overcome my fear of the hole in the ground aka the loo, and am very proud of my nonchalant attitude which has replaced the previous not on your nelly stare I used to give it. It's now our third night in Morocco and it is one hell of a place. Following some epic climbing in Chulilla its time to see what our fingers feel of African rock. We got the bargain basement bus tickets over here, 16 hours later I was almost on a flight back to England, Ranaz was about to voice his thoughts very loudly on the behaviour and existance on anything under the age of 5 and the parents of said under 5s were about to defenestrate us. There is nothing ok about pooey nappies at 3am. We arrived into Tanger and stayed at the Pension Regina for 2 squid a night...and you get exactly what you would expect! an authentic grumpy old man on reception but a wonderfully dilapidated old room, complete with a rickty iron bed, broken tiles and peeling paint. We both decided it was a proper world weary traveller-ry type room but hey it was clean, cheap and safe so we were happy bunnies. Tanger is not bad but wasn't a place we wanted to hang around. Jumped on a 6 hour bus to Fez and happy here. Crazy but beautiful town, noisy, colourful, ancient, busy, tad smelly (but no worse than London). We have a bizarre neighbour who has the most amazing fart power and a serious digestion problem. Gives us the sniggers anyway. Spent last night in a shitty hostel after being jumped on as soon as we got off the bus. Beware of smart well suited fluent English speakers! I had heard about it but by the time we realised it was too late...never mind we had a bed for the night and by that time we didn't really care. Thank god for sleeping bags. Wouldn't have let my old cat sleep on that mattress. Now cosily ensconced at Hotel Glacier ( not exactly the word that springs to mind when one thinks of Africa ), awesome place to stay, luckily we bumped into a Dutch guy who saw us limping around the medina with 60 kilos on our backs and advised us. don't bother with the recommended youth hostels on google, they are overpriced and out of town. have a wander and explore. We went for a wander as the sun.was setting and rootled around the medina, which was really coming to stalls, silk stalls, stolen goods stalls, men offering hashish (avoid like the plague), a sneaky pickpocket Ranaz foiled, and the city looks so stunning with the sun setting behind the ancient fortifications. An incredible mix of ancient and modern, it is the world's oldest working Islamic medieval town. Oh anddd we saw a cows do, just grazing away with additional humpy things. That was very exciting. So New Year tomorrow and then off to do some climbing.

if you give me an address i could post a bottle over to you... don't get cocky with the hole in the floors loos, wouldn't want to fall in! xxx