Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tarp castle, Under Crag, Near LLeida, Somewhere in Spain,

It's so cold tonight we have contemplated moving camp into the loo block, which has decent lighting, quick loo access without the stumbling in the dark ( still not had the guts to try the Shewee), and is toasty warm. There is also a slight problem of the canine variety. It's the first time I've ever had to store food up a tree for a proper reason ( as opposed to doing it because it feels like you're on a proper adventure...).
Tarp Castle is amazing. Ranaz did an awesome job... We are getting many envious glances at our deluxe least I think they are envious. Glamping eat your heart out.  Thankfully my role in its construction was limited, my innovative ideas discarded... My approach to that kind of activity is more of bull running wild in a china shop, whereas Ranaz is more methodical, hence why tarp chateau is probably still standing now.
The question has arisen as to whether bivvying at the base of the crags tomorrow night would be an option, despite the looming presence of the cliffs they are still a 4 km walk away with the climbing gear and I am a sloth like creature, not keen on trudging for great distances. Hence why rambling has never ignited any passion in me...I think I'm more keen on the loo idea.
We had a type of bird for tonights supper, it wasn't chicken or game, just praying it wasn't the type that tries to deposit crap on your head around trafalgar square. Even Ranaz had no idea what it was, all we know was that it was cheap...Yum Yum.
Really looking forward to spending a long time here, its so beautiful, scary climbing and friendly people. Random generosity has been flung in our direction from many people now but it still astounds me how kind people are... From strangers offering a warming dram of whiskey in scotland to solutions to fend off hungry dog-wolves. Leaves a warm fuzzy feeling - bless. On the point of warm fuzzy feelings it is nearly Christmas and I had almost forgotten if it wasn't for the now bedraggled advent calenders we have been carrying around ( thank you Ed!), its going to be very different this year I think, not sure how to cook a turkey on a trangia - maybe downsize to a woodcock.

P.s photo below of ranaz hard at work ....


  1. ahhh... bless the little tarp cave! surprised you haven't munched through all the chocolates yet! still going strong on mine too so thank you for that. where did you get cheap bird and did you cook it yourselves? What are the dogs doing? are they wild wolf like creatures or just greedy chihuahuas?

  2. To me they are huge crazed rabid wolves and that is that ;). They just hang around with beady eyes glaring at you from the dark whilst trying to cook! Don't worry, the bird came from q butchers, not some dodgy guy selling it on the roadside... Did our usual...bung it in the pot with water and erbies and hope for the best! Wasn't too bad once you couldn't see the funny things dangling from the inside of it.... Enjoy the haribo!!!
