Monday, October 17, 2011

Nearly there....

Two weeks to go and then we are off. It's a bit scary. But exciting beyond all reckoning. The thought of being off, leaving the mundane and protected world of everyday normality, sacrificing the comfortable and secure feeling of a job a commute, walls around us... wait... that's why we are leaving! Wheeeeeee, freedom!

On Friday we competed in the Superleague, the second round of this bouldering competition. On the first round I'd been in top form, crushing the problems and coming out top in my category.

This time I had one of my worst performances at a wall ever. That's how I felt anyway. Now I realise it was mainly due to the injury I suffered on the first round, and the resulting rest and recovery time.

Ellie and Ed, on the other hand, shone. They basically glowed with the joy of trying out new moves, puzzling over new problems. They were in the zone. How I envied.

After that I've been training to get back with it, and wow, I'm ridiculously out of shape. Good thing I'm off soon to climb the world :D

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